Monday 24 December 2018

18 of the most Exiting Whiskies -Tom Gordon Writing in The Herald

Although it would be nice to try them all, I am personally drawn to the two offerings from Old Pultney (The 21 year old was possibly my favorite whisky of all time)..and a 12 year old for £25..I'm off to Tesco..

PS - The 12 year old Old Pultney is fantastic, my favorite whisky of the year. I have it with one cube of ice..and it takes me to that icy northern shore..

Thursday 20 December 2018

Fake Whiskies..

The BBC posted an article today suggesting that a third of rare Scottish whiskies tested were found  to be fakes. This is the link -

..and to summarise (as we don't know how long the link will be available on the BBC site) -

A scottish research center tested 55 bottles of rare Scottish whisky and found 21 of them to be out right fakes (the original 55 were selected at random from auctions, private collections and retailers.

So buyers beware, provenance is king and to be honest with you, whisky is for drinking, not investing in or collecting (although I have a few bottles of SMWS Millenium Malt that I am hoping to pass down to my descendants to celebrate the year 3000)..

Good Luck!