Friday 22 February 2013

Glenkinchie 12 year old - A Protestant kind of dram.

Tasting conditions, I would have to say were ideal for this one. After a muddy, entertaining and tiring walk with a friend round Roslyn Glen, on a cold February afternoon and after a hearty wholesome meal of bangers and mash.

I found it a dry ('Protestant' I called it), spare kind of dram, not full of sherry flavours or sweetness - dry and cold like the day (It was slightly chilled from sitting in a friends front porch for a couple of hours).  It was  peaceful, not busy with flavours. It rounded off the day finely, a stick of shortbread as accompaniment would have perfected it.

I have a theory that a good whisky should convey a sense of peace, something of that relaxation of water that comes from sitting still in a quiet place for a number of years. The Glenkinchie 12 year old did.

I really enjoyed this one, but then it was a particularly fine moment for a dram and I give it a rating of eight out of ten.